Friday, July 24, 2009

Introduction to 90 Below

Hello World - This blog starts today and will attempt to chronicle my experiences working and living at the South Pole. Although I won't reach 'The Ice' until February 2010, seven months from now, I think some of my experiences in learning about and preparing for the deployment may be worthwhile to post.

This will be my first time on the ice so I will be an FNG. I'll post some information on ice slang later, but FNG is a rather rude way of saying I'll be a newbie - a new guy. Time on the ice for me will be from early February to mid October - which includes the darkest and most inaccessible of seasons. But I'm eager to see the Southern Cross and the aurora australis.

Wintering at the South Pole is something only 1200 people have ever done, and I am excited and honored to be able to add my name to the list.

I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences, I know I'll enjoy telling you about them.

Aurora Australis, South Pole Station, June 2009 (USAP Photo)


Fern Emma said...

I just happened on this page.
The skyscape you walk under is gorgeous.
Congratulation on being chosen for an extraordinary adventure.

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