Sunday, October 31, 2010

No way anyone is getting out of Pole today.  At 4 am visibility was less than a mile and winds were at 30 mph.  It seems the weather front that was supposed to be here this afternoon got here a little early.  Since the Herc needs 3 miles of visibility to land, we are not even close.  The forcast is for continued bad weather for the next few days.  I can't even see the South Pole Telescope from the main station because of the low clouds and blowing snow.  The front brought in lower pressures and we are now at 11,350 ft altitude.  That's not too bad for us winterovers, but the new people will be struggling today I think.

Its going to be a pretty boring few days I think.


Fern Emma said...

One last question out of curiosity --
Some time ago you wrote about a crack in the ice which was discovered at about one inch wide and maybe thirty feet long. Later it had widened another inch. I have wondered whether that kept enlarging into a building-swallowing crevasse. Also, how often do new crevasses form? And what happens if they begin to form right under something like a building or the airplane runway?

Again -- all the best as you re-join the non-polie world -- and thanks for the blog
~Fern Emma~

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